***S37: Unable to zoom in any closer because the underlay image can not be scaled any larger. Turn off the underlay to zoom in closer. ***S.36: Continuous vector line/arc drawing can not end with a closed circle. ***S.35: The first two points of a 3 Point Rectangle or 3 Point Circle must be unique. ***S.34: Can not unghost objects because ghosted objects are hidden. Deselect Hide Ghosted from the Edit menu. ***S.33: Unable to construct 3 point circle because the points entered are colinear. ***S.32: Cannot increase the number of sides in an arc/circle/ellipse while drawing. ***S.31: The Query tool cannot be used with a group or hole. It can be used for points, segments, outlines, faces, and objects only. ***S.30: Colinear points selected for definition of arbitrary plane. The points selected must identify a unique plane. ***S.29: Unable to zoom in any closer. Reduce the Numeric Accuracy in the Working Units Options dialog to work at smaller scales. ***S.28: The Set View tool can not be used from a projection view. ***S.27: The active reference plane can not be changed while in a projection view. ***S.26: The Extract tool requires the selection of at least one object. ***S.25: The Ungroup and Dismantle tools require the selection of at least one group. ***S.24: The Group tool requires the selection of at least two groups. ***S.23: Maximum number of entities selected. ***S.22: A system clipboard error occurred. Unable to grab PICT image. ***S.21: No active tool selected from the tool palette. ***S.20: Not enough memory to display dialog. ***S.19: Not enough memory for pop-out tool menu. ***S.18: Axis of view rotation not selected. ***S.17: Unable to make some selected faces smooth because they contain a hole(s). Use the Insertion commands to decompose these faces before making them smooth. ***S.16: Unable to make the selected face smooth because it contains a hole(s). Use the Insertion commands to decompose this face before making it smooth. ***S.15: The smooth/flat shade tools require the selection of a face(s), object(s), or group(s). ***S.14: Invalid elements were selected for the smooth/flat shade tool and were skipped. The smooth/flat tools operate on faces, objects, and groups. ***S.13: Arbitrary Reference Planes can only be moved or rotated when they are the active reference plane. ***S.12: No macro has been assigned to this icon. ***S.11: The transparency/opaque tool requires the selection of an object(s) or group(s). ***S.10: Invalid entities were selected for the transparency/opaque tool and were skipped. The transparency/opaque tools operates on objects and groups. ***S.9: The ghost/unghost tools require the selection of an object(s) or group(s). ***S.8: Invalid entities were selected for the ghost/unghost tool and were skipped. The ghost/unghost tools operate on objects and groups. ***S.7: The color and clear color tools require the selection of a face(s), hole(s), object(s), or group(s). ***S.6: Invalid entities were selected for the color tool and were skipped. The color tool operates on faces, objects, and groups. ***S.5: An entity must selected before starting to record a transformation macro. ***S.4: No arbitrary reference plane has been defined. ***S.3: Error defining arbitrary plane. Arbitrary planes must be defined using 3 points, a point and a segment, 2 segments, an outline, or a face. ***S.2: Insufficient memory available for dynamic action. ***S.1: Insufficient memory available for this operation.